cannot possibly be achieved overnight 意味
- <→CAN'T possibly be achieved overnight>
- cannot cannot 切れ無い 切れない きれない 兼ねる かねる
- possibly possibly ことにすると 若しかして もしかして かも知れない かもしれない 或いは 或は あるいは ひょっと ひょっとすると
- overnight overnight オーバーナイト 夜来 やらい 一夜 いちや ひとや ひとよ 一晩 ひと晩 ひとばん
- can't possibly be achieved overnight 一朝一夕{いっちょう いっせき}にはいかない
- cannot be achieved overnight
- (cannot) possibly (cannot) possibly 到底 とうてい
- can't be achieved overnight 一晩{ひとばん}で成し遂げることはできない
- cannot possibly be saved
- cannot possibly do
- cannot possibly say such a thing
- cannot be dealt with overnight
- cannot get rid of the feeling that it may possibly be
- cannot possibly recover any muscle control
- cannot be achieved in the context of high rates of inflation
- cannot be achieved without drastic education reforms